₹7,299+ Govt Fee *
India's most reliable company registration.
We know intellectual property protection may seem complicated in India. Whether it's trademark search, brand name/logo/slogan registration, renewal, monitoring, e-filing of trademark applications, or applying for a trademark. At FIRSTCOMPANi, we're here to simplify the trademark process for you, ensuring a seamless and successful brand protection journey with IP India.
Discover what our clients have to say about their transformative legal journeys with us. Their testimonials speak volumes about the unparalleled service, expertise, and support they received, setting the stage for your own success story.
Attorney assistance is proven to Increase your chance of approval when our attorneys guide you through the trademark registration process—simply and affordably
Let a lawyer handle everything, from research to filing your TM application, at a fair price. Our attorney-managed trademark service is 10x faster and priced 75% lower than a traditional offline attorney.*
We make it easy for entrepreneurs and business owners to file trademark applications in India from anywhere, across the world
We are always trying to come up with new ways to simplify and make the trademark process 100% online for entrepreneurs and business owners.
We offer a transparent upfront fee structure, the price we listed on our portal (our service fee + the required government fee) is the price you pay to get your trademark filed.
We've dedicated significant time, money, and effort to craft India's premier trademark search engine. Our platform provides diverse permutation and combination results for thorough checks. Additionally, our data is regularly updated, ensuring comprehensive and current trademark information from across India.